Cultivating The Power of Leadership Competencies

By Sheryl Kurtis October 2023

(4-minute read)

Nurturing and developing leaders from within is not just a choice; it's a strategic imperative. Our previous article, "Cultivating Leaders for Organizational Longevity," emphasized the hidden costs of overlooking existing talent and the value of investing in high-potential professionals. Now, we turn our focus to the critical leadership competencies that serve as the source of enduring leadership power.

The Power of Understanding:  Self-awareness & Empathy

Consider a leader who, through self-awareness, recognized their tendency to micromanage. By addressing this, they empowered their team members to take ownership, building trust and resulting in improved collaboration and a more empowered team.

Self-awareness is the bedrock of all leadership competencies, helping leaders align choices with their values, recognize biases, know when to seek support, and manage emotions effectively. Recognizing emotions, both their own and their team's, enables leaders to build positive relationships. Cultivating empathy enhances collaboration and elevates team morale.

 The Power of Connection:  Communication & Networking

Imagine a leader who once baffled stakeholders with technical jargon. By addressing this, a leader refined their communication approach, promoting clarity and engagement, leading to deepened connections and more effective cross-functional collaboration.

Effective communication isn't just a skill; it's the bridge to align actions with organizational goals.  It ensures that everyone understands their role, shares vital information, and collaborates efficiently, ultimately driving the organization towards success. Building a professional network is the gateway to broadening opportunities for collaboration—an invaluable leadership asset.

The Power of Persuasion:  Influencing & Collaborating

Consider a leader who used their influencing skills to bring together a cross-functional team to address a critical challenge. They harnessed diverse perspectives through collaboration, leading to innovative solutions and improved organizational agility.

Leadership is about influence, the skill to garner support for your initiatives. It's the means to achieve desired outcomes and objectives. Collaboration goes beyond teamwork; it's the path to foster innovation and problem-solving, both within the team and across functions and geography.

The Power of Motivation:  Inspirational Team Leadership

Picture a leader who, through inspirational leadership, fostered a culture of trust and inclusivity. This empowers team members to share ideas freely, leading to enhanced creativity and a more agile response to market shifts.

Motivated teams are formidable, and strong leadership sets the stage for this motivational force. Leaders who inspire trust possess the means to lead by example and set a compelling vision. Inclusive team cultures harness the fuel of greater creativity and adaptability, two pillars of leadership strength in today's rapidly changing world.

The Power of Vision: Thinking & Acting Strategically

A leader guides their organization through a period of rapid change through strategic thinking. By aligning actions with a clear vision, they ensured the company's continued success in an ever-evolving market.

Strategic thinking and acting encompass the ability to envision long-term goals, formulate comprehensive plans, and execute them precisely, ensuring that every action aligns with the organization's overarching vision. It's about harnessing data to make informed decisions that steer the company in the right direction while staying agile to adapt swiftly to shifting landscapes.

The Power of Transformation:  Leading Through Change

A leader initially resisted a significant organizational change, causing their team to feel uncertain and anxious. However, upon recognizing the potential benefits and guiding their team through it, they transformed the experience into an opportunity for adaptability and growth, minimizing disruptions and deepening trust within the team.

Embracing change as an opportunity isn't just a mindset; it drives innovation and growth. Effective change management isn't just a process; it's the method to ensure minimal disruption. Guiding others through change isn't just a role; it's the source of trust and loyalty.

Investing in Leadership Competencies

Investing in leadership competencies is the cornerstone of building a brighter future for both individuals and organizations.  As you embark on your journey to unlock the full potential of these competencies, remember that coaching is a powerful ally. Coaches empower leaders to harness strengths, address growth areas, and tackle challenges head-on. 

7 X ROI - The return a company can expect from investing in coaching. - ICF Study 2009

Unlike traditional training, which often struggles against the 'forget curve,' where up to 90% of new knowledge can be lost in a week, coaching is tailored to what an individual needs, ensuring that learning sticks and directly impacts current and future roles. With coaching as your guide, you'll fortify your leadership foundation and shape a future filled with success.  


Cultivating Leaders for Organizational Longevity